Limited Time Offer

Drop 15lbs in 15 min/day

Get ready to wear your favourite clothes again with this easy to follow Fab15 Kickstarter for midlife women. Work out 15 minutes per day and eat delicious, easy to make foods so you can lose weight even if you have no time and hate cooking.

Special Offer Ends In:

Have you reached a point with your weight where you feel that

"Enough Is Enough"?

  • Maybe you want to shed the stubborn weight around your waistline that's been bothering you - and it feels like no matter what you do, those extra pounds just won't budge.

  • Perhaps you miss the days when you felt confident in your own skin, being able to effortlessly slip into your favorite outfits and feel great about how you look in them. 

  • It could be that low energy has become a daily battle for you, and you want to regain the vitality to keep up with your daily tasks without feeling constantly fatigued.

  • Or maybe you're tired of the emotional rollercoaster, going from feeling fine one moment to irritable, sad, or anxious the next, which is affecting your relationships and overall sense of well-being.

  • You might even be yearning for emotional stability, a firm grip on your moods, and a sense of inner peace. 

If you're nodding along and saying "yes" to any of these, then the information on this page could change your life.

Because you’re going to discover how to reverse menopause weight gain, get your energy and confidence back and feel like yourself again

…without getting stuck, confused or overwhelmed

…and without going hungry or doing hours of cardio.

There's no doubt at all:

Midlife And Menopause Can Suck The Joy Out Of Life

You've been on countless diets, but they've always yielded limited results, often leaving you even heavier than when you started. Maybe you even feel there must be something wrong with you or your body.

And as the years go by, shedding those extra pounds becomes a battle, and it gets worse because now fear of problems like heart disease, diabetes, and aching joints creeps in. 

You’re beginning to realise that it's not just about your appearance; it's about your health.

To make it even harder to deal with, weight gain takes a sledgehammer to your self-esteem, leaving you doubting the person you see in the mirror. Excess weight is dragging down your energy levels and robbing you of the zest you once had for life.

And, if I may be completely honest for a sec, you may also worry about how those extra pounds might be affecting your romantic life and intimacy - you feel awkward, shy and pull back from the person you love.

In this exhausting cycle of yo-yo dieting, giving in, self-loathing and dieting again, food often becomes your refuge, a way to cope with stress and emotions, and makes the cycle even harder to break.

Balancing work, family, and responsibilities leaves you with the overwhelmed feeling that you have literally no time to focus on exercise and preparing healthy meals... all while your body is changing in ways you never asked for or wanted, and it's affecting your confidence and comfort.

To make things worse, you can't help but compare yourself to those friends who seem to maintain their weight with ease, and it leaves you doubting your own abilities. 

And the thought of facing this weight loss journey all by yourself is daunting and lonely.

Or Maybe It's Something Else That's Holding You Back?

What I know for sure though is one of the most common things that stop middle aged women from taking action to get tangible and lasting results with fat loss and energy levels is: they think they are too old to make significant changes to their body and their metabolism… and as you’re about to see - that’s just not true.

Because Here's Some Exciting News:

There's a straightforward, science-backed solution that can help you tackle all those menopause-related concerns, and it's nothing short of amazing.

It’s simple and powerful and anyone can do it.

So, what's the secret behind this transformative solution? It's all about the strength within you. Literally. It’s your muscles. Yes, it's right there, hiding in plain sight. 

How does this work? How can strength training and muscle building alone reverse menopause weight gain and other symptoms? And:

Can this really be true for midlife women?

Check this out:

Age Is Just A Number

One of the most common myths about strength training is that it's only effective for the young and fit. That couldn't be further from the truth! Regardless of your age, your body has the incredible capacity to adapt and improve. Strength and muscle training have been proven to work for women of all ages, from those in their twenties to those in their nineties.

What About Menopause?

Menopause is a transformative phase in a woman's life. It brings with it a slew of changes, both physical and emotional. One of the most common concerns during menopause is weight gain. But here's the good news: strength and muscle training offer a holistic solution that addresses not just weight gain, but a range of other menopause symptoms as well.

Simplicity And Accessibility

Perhaps one of the most compelling aspects of strength and muscle training is its simplicity and accessibility. You don't need expensive equipment or a gym membership to get started. In fact, you can perform these exercises in the comfort of your own home with minimal or no equipment at all. It's a practical and simple solution that fits seamlessly into your daily routine.

The most mind blowing and widely unknown aspect of strength and muscle however, is that it’s a holistic approach to health.

Because it's not just about shedding a few pounds; it's about enhancing your overall well-being. Here's how it works:

  • As you engage in regular strength training, your body undergoes remarkable changes. You'll build and maintain muscle mass, which plays a pivotal role in keeping your metabolism active. This means your body will burn more calories even at rest, providing you with a continuous source of energy. Moreover, you'll notice that everyday tasks become less taxing. From carrying groceries to climbing stairs, you'll find that you have more energy and strength to enjoy life to the fullest.

  • To make it even more compelling, the benefits of strength training extend way beyond the physical realm. As you witness positive changes in your body, such as increased energy and physical strength, your confidence naturally soars. You'll feel more capable and empowered in all aspects of your life. Additionally, the discipline and dedication required for strength training contribute to improved mental resilience. Overcoming challenges during workouts translates to greater self-assurance in overcoming challenges outside the of training.

  • One of the most empowering aspects of strength and muscle training is the speed at which you'll start experiencing results. In as little as two weeks, you'll notice changes not only in your physique but also in your energy levels and overall well-being. It's a journey that offers immediate gratification and lasting impact.

  • Last but certainly not least, the improved balance and strength you'll gain

    through this training have direct repercussions on your longevity. It's not just about living longer; it's about living a healthier, more fulfilling life. With a strong and resilient body, you'll be better equipped to enjoy the second half of your life to the fullest.


I'm sure you're aware that building strength is in fact a gradual process, but you'll notice a change in your quality of life right away. With regular strength training, balanced nutrition, adequate rest and recovery, you're well on your way to reversing your menopause weight gain and other symptoms - for good.

And if you’re really serious about transforming your body, becoming leaner, stronger and more energised with each passing day, you’re going to love:

The Fab15 Kickstarter

The Fab15 Kickstarter is an online program that helps you:

- kick off your weight loss

- build a sustainable weight loss foundation

- give you repeatable blueprints for strength training and nutrition

This is the DIY version of my legendary 15min/day coaching approach - everything you need to know and do to be successful at weight loss and keeping it off.

Here's what you'll achieve with the Fab15 Kickstarter

Lose 5lbs (or more)

Get your weight loss going and start the New Year feeling great! 5lbs is the average loss - you can lose more if you focus and give it your best shot.

Energy Boost

You'll be so dynamic and perky, your family will ask you what's gotten into you - with each training you'll feel more empowered to take on the world.

World Class Support

Get the full power boost that comes from support and accountability - 3 live sessions with Kim will get your mojo and motivation going.

  • 15 lbs weight loss

  • More energy

  • Better sleep

  • Balanced hormonal levels

  • More physical strength

  • Better blood sugar balance

  • Improved digestion

  • Less inflammation

  • Boosted memory and focus

  • Improved mood and confidence

Strength Gains

You'll experience nearly immediate strength gains as the first workouts reconnect your brain and your muscles - you'll feel lighter climbing stairs and carry groceries with more ease.


Imagine a light-bulb moment about eating and training: that's what you'll experience with Kim's easy approach. Forget Dr. Google and overwhelm with clear step by step guidance.


The 5 days will be like an injection of concentrated Vitamin C: you'll feel boosted and empowered to stay on track with your new eating and training wisdom to make 2024 different..

The Fab15 Approach In Action:

Julie, 54

"After gaining 10kg with HRT, I was desperate. I was tired of all the conflicting advice, so I decided to trust Kim's solution. Now I'm off HRT, I lost more than 12 kgs and I know how to keep it off."

Jenni, 46

"I'm so happy that I finally found an approach that actually works. I lost 10 kgs in 3 months. Wearing clothes that I haven't worn in years - and I even kept losing weight while I was on vacation."

Beth, 62

"I love that Kim's method doesn't involve any restriction or forbidden foods. After trying all types of diets, like Intermittent Fasting, and never getting the results I wanted, I now know how to practise an effective and forgiving approach. I lost 11lbs between Thanksgiving and New Year's."

Here's what you'll get when you join:

Your Fab15 Kickstarter Manual with all the info you need on how to build your weight loss plan, the fundamentals of training for fat loss and how it can work for you.

Workouts at three different levels of intensity and skill each - so you can get started asap. I will help you choose what's right for you.

The Fab15 Kickstarter Recipe Collection with easy to prepare delicious meals that will help you drop weight without going hungry or eating bland foods.

Weekly Meal Plan for easy implementation

Shopping & Grocery List - all done for you

Nutrition Blueprint and Action Plan

Done For You Macros and My Fitness Pal Tracking Codes

But that's not all :-)

When you sign up before the timer on this page hits zero, I'll also send you:

Bonus 1

Guide: 7 Ingenious Hacks To Master Your Meal Planning. Save money and time without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

Bonus 2

Ramp up your training with this dedicated core workout to build abs of steel, a pain free spine and a beautiful waistline.

Bonus 3

Alcohol Guide: Facts and Calories for the most common drinks

Meet Kim,

Specialising in health coaching for middle aged women, she has helped dozens of clients drop weight, get strong and feel super energetic and confident again with her signature method of making strength training accessible to midlife women and translating cutting edge science into small steps that any woman can take on a daily basis.

Kim is an ACE certified Personal Trainer, PN Level I nutrition coach, ACE Fitness Nutrition Specialist, Buff Bones Instructor for women with osteoporosis and RKC Kettlebell certified.

What Kim's Clients Are Saying

Weight Loss Programs Are A Dime A Dozen - It's When It's Specific To Midlife Women's Needs That It Can Make A Difference In Your Life

"A Life Changing Experience" Yvonne, 69

""And if you've ever felt that you're a bit lost or you don't know what to do to improve, your mindset, your nutrition, your lifestyle or your focus, then you need to do this. You need to invest in someone who is caring about you all the time. Not just in one way, but in so many different ways, Kim, which I think you absolutely do for us. A life changing experience for me."

"Kim's Approach Kept Me From Spiralling" Beth, 62

"I love Kim's Clean Slate 24/7 that kept me from spiralling after a bad day or a bad night and gave me the courage to keep going. Whatever doubts I had about me being able to follow the program were resolved during the first week."

"A massive game changer" Sharon, 51

"It's about feeling strong and looking in the mirror and liking what I'm seeing rather than feeling uncomfortable with what I'm seeing; because I was deeply depressed with what I was seeing....The type of training you are doing, tailoring it to specific needs is a massive game changer. Massive."

"Connecting brain and muscles is just brilliant" Sandy, 74

"My muscles were so atrophied I couldn't get up off a floor; I couldn't step down or up a curb without holding on to my other half...Now with the exercises you have given me, I can do that pretty easily...This idea you gave me that we need to reconnect the brain with the muscles so they can work, it's just brilliant!"

What's your Quality of Life Worth?

They say health and happiness are priceless - but let's be real: Quality support always comes with a price tag.


You can get tons of exercise programs for free - but if you want one that's specific to you and your level of health, strength and fitness and that you can scale as you progress you'll have to invest at least $1000 in a Personal Trainer.


A dietician developed and approved meal plan that helps midlife women with optimal nutrients, focus on protein and effective calories, plus the grocery list and recipe collection, will cost anywhere from $197 upwards.


The "7 Hacks" Meal Prep Course goes for $97

So everything that's in the Fab15 Kickstarter could easily add up to $1300. But that's not what you have to pay. The regular price of the Fab15 Kickstarter is just $879.

But it gets even better.

Limited Time Offer Before The Timer On This Page Hits Zero

Normally $879


  • Lifetime Access

  • Download of Guides and Materials January 2nd

  • World Class Support For Best Results

  • Three Live Coaching Sessions With Kim

  • Bonuses: Meal Planning, Core Workout and Alcohol Facts

  • Access To Private Facebook Group

Special Offer Ends In:


Your Money Back Guarantee

I know you've tried a lot of things, maybe even spent lots of money to lose weight and get fit. It's normal for you to have doubts. However, I am so sure that this will be a game changing approach for you and finally give you the results you want that I'm giving you a 7 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee - if, by January 15th you find that this doesn't work for you, I'll refund you - a simple email is enough.

Don't Wait! Here's What My Clients Are Saying About The Fab15 Approach:

Frequently Asked Questions

I haven't exercised in a long time - will I be able to do the workouts?

Absolutely! Kim specialises in scaling exercise to your exact level of strength, experience and skill. So wherever you're at right now, with Kim's help, you will start moving.

How much time will this take?

As much as you want to give it. The exercise takes literally no more than 15 minutes and with the Meal Prep guide you will actually spend LESS time on preparing food for you and your family.

What if I have special dietary requirements?

That's a great question! Kim always works with a Blueprint nutrition approach - so you combine foods from bigger food groups and get to choose and build your meals with the foods that you're happy to eat.

FAQ image

What if something gets in the way and I can't do this now?

You have lifetime access to the Fab15 Kickstarter so you can back anytime, should life get in the way. I'll actually be adding more resources to the course area over time so that it's always worth coming back.

I have joint pain. Can I still participate?

Yes, you can. Kim will find gentle exercises that you can do without triggering pain and that will help you gain mobility and strength so you can feel much better.

Limited Time Offer

Normally $879


  • Lifetime Access

  • Immediate Download of Guides and Materials

  • World Class Support For Best Results

  • Three Live Coaching Sessions With Kim

  • Bonuses: Meal Planning, Core Workout and Alcohol Facts

  • Access To Private Facebook Group


Cheering you on is my zone of genius!

As women, we are the backbone of our world and the people around us: family, friends, neighbours even - everyone relies on us.

That's why looking after ourselves is an act of kindness towards the world. This special offer on my Kickstarter is your opportunity to make a change. To feel better about yourself - and keep being the power woman that everyone around you keeps counting on.

Helping you achieve this is my mission.


Copyright Coachflex 2023 . All rights reserved